I've recently retired after 45+ years as an IT Professional and done just about every role possible in IT. On a path of continuous learning and enjoy my family, technology, science and cats.
In the early days of my career I was very much the "computer nerd" totally focussed on my passion for programming and learning all I could about...
From my experience there seems to be a disproportionate focus on business growth. This can be growth in the number of staff, number of customers,...
I believe that Company Culture can be defined as the organisation’s attitudes, beliefs, and values that are developed over time by the actions, and...
Over the years I have had the pleasure of managing and leading many people across a wide range of job functions within software development...
Questions YOU should ask in the job interview Over the years I have recruited many people for a variety of different roles in organisations. While I...
I'm still in the process of setting up my Blog so please bare with me. Unfortunately I've encountered a fairly serious health crisis soon after...